Thursday 5 July 2012

Revealed, Earth and Moon real names

Well I never, you go ALL your life thinking that all the planets and satellites have brill names, but we're just plain old 'Earth' and 'Moon'.  Not so it seems, as a recent trip to the NASA archives have just revealed.

Little known facts about the naming of our own planet and moon are stashed waist deep in a vault at a sectret location 'somewhere' in the U.S.  I was able to access these quite by accident whilst working on a new type of 'space glue'  to be used on the international space station; (apparently the loo door keeps falling - or should that be 'floating' off?).  Anyways, I was researching some secret 'space ingredients' for said glue when I hit upon a rather interesting 'Eyes Only' document from December 1947 signed by H. S Truman himself.  In it there were dozens of blueprints and plans for a manned trip to the moon in a rocket ship designed by albinos; (like that will ever happen!).  So anyway, a little further along I came across an amazing, hidden factoid: the 'real' names for Earth and Moon. 

The secret shall be held no longer the Earth was originally called 'Wonk Grommit' and the Moon 'Glumletia'.

Apparently it was felt that these names did not stand up to the more serious titles afforded the other planets, stars and heavenly bodies, and that until better ones could be found, then Earth and Moon would have to do.

I don't know about you, but I reckon Glumletia is a great name for the Moon... She's the Roman Goddess of 'Bitch Dung' isn't she?

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